Friday 30 August 2013

Maths- Capacity- Information and online games

The amount that something can hold.

Usually it means volume, such as milliliters (ml) or liters (l) in Metric, or pints or gallons in Imperial.

e: "The bucket has a capacity of 9 liters"

Measuring Cups

measuring cup
But there are also measuring cups, which are things used to measure liquids, or powders like flour or sugar.
As you fill up the measuring cup, you need to look at which number it is filled to.

Here we have 2/3 cup (two-thirds of a cup) of milk.

And they can also measure milliliters (ml):
Here we have 150 ml.
It doesn't say "150" ... it says "50" ... but it is half-way between 100 and 200 so you can figure out it is 150 ml.

There are also special ones designed to hold an exact amount, such as these 1/2 cup and 1/4 cup measures.


Match it definitions:

Vocabulary game:



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