Mathematics- Division


Following a pre test on the unit of division, goals were set with 5/6 team on how to teach the students strategies to be able to identify division equations, what the equation is asking us to solve and strategies to solve this..

After searching online for strategies, I came across the following you tube clip. The voices are quite funny, but the concepts taught in it are very useful.

I found the 
Brother strategy very useful when teaching my students how to solve these 'long' division sums

The students were able to then remember
First you divide
Then Multiply, 
and Bring down

The only confusion with this arose when the number being divided was same as the divisor.
Example 742 divided by 7. As students were 'used' to the first number being smaller than the divisor, and placing a zero on the top number.

After a few weeks on this topic, the students are able to solve equations and recognise the inverse nature of multiplication and division.

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