
Welcome to Miss Morris' classroom blog!

I have created this page to engage students that I teach both inside and outside school hours using the blog program, which many have not seen previously or had a chance to create themselves

This blog will allow students from my fluid groupings to share, collaborate and discuss topics/ concepts learnt during school hours and personal research they complete elsewise.

The blog is for public display, so make sure that when you post you only use your first name and that your comments are appropriate, otherwise they will not be published.

Treat others how you want to be treated and respect their work!

Miss Morris


khaldun said...

There once was a lad from the south;
Who rarely opened his mouth.
And when he did
Everyone hid
And cried ‘Good lord, close your mouth!’

Unknown said...

Remember Khaldun to make sure you are on the right page before submitting a comment.
I do like your poem however