Thursday 27 June 2013

Rhyme poems- continued

Today, our learning focus is the complete a rhyme poem, using more than one 'stanza'.
If you forget what a stanza is, check on the poem page of this blog

Once you have written your rhyme poem out in your book.
Please publish on this blog page.
So press, comments and add your rhyme poem in below :)


Youssef said...

There once was cat
who was fat
who wears a lot of hats
to buy big macs
so he got a six pack :D

Cihan said...

Bill went to get
a big drill
then sat on
a fat cat

i smashed into a pole
then had a big sole
in my head
then i went to bed

There once was a young boy named bill
he went to by a grill
to cook a
small chook

Ziyad said...

there once was a old man named tim-tam he went to the beach to go and get a big tan then he drank fanta then became santa.

Ziyad said...

then when he became santa he saw hana then said i watch hana Montana.

Omar said...

there once was boy called Ronald

he went to mcdonald

he bought a big mac

then Became freind with a boy called zac

Ozhan said...

There was a young boy named Zack
who wanted to buy a big mac
who found it tasty
and ate it quickly.

there was a young boy named Matt
who owned a cat
they were both fat
and they both were hats.

there once was a dog
who slept on logs
and ate a lot of food which made him a hog.

Youssef said...

my cat is fat
eats a lot of big macs

lost his 6 pack
gained 6 pounds

hes so loud
and proud

Ziyad said...

when i ran from home i saw a phone that was made out of stone when i rang the phone i became foam.

Ziyad said...

i saw a table it was flammable when it was flammable i said oh that's remarkable.

zarifa said...

one day i saw bart on a cart made me fart.

i saw a monkey thought it was donkey said sup his like i want a cup.

i went to the shopping centre i saw a blender i put my hand in it and it went under.

Unknown said...

Ziyad- it needs to have more than one stanza

Unknown said...

Ziyad, read my comment above

Unknown said...

Good job, Youseef.
Try write longer stanzas next time

Hamzah said...

There once was a pole
who had a sole
It's name was hole
so hole went to be a pole

The school had a pool
with air in he pool
with nothing to do
and i wanted to go into the loo

My pet cat
had I hat
and loved to sit on a mat
and ate a hat

Unknown said...

Yoseef, this poem rhymes, but it does not have more than 3 stanzas.
Please fix this

Unknown said...

I like your rhyming pattern.
Im pleased that you wrote three stanzas

Youssef said...

my cat is flat
because he flaps hes wings

because hes king

and hes bling

Unknown said...

Omar, good rhyme, but it needs more than one stanza

Unknown said...

wore not were...
Is this all one poem?
Some of these comments are rude...
Please try be sensible in your poems

Saef said...

once there was a cat
that had a hat.
there was a boy that bought double bubble shampoo
when the pooped he got a double bubble poo.

so the cat that had the hat
turned fat like pat because the both owned the hat.
so the boy flew in the bubble poo
he bounced out the poo.

so the cat and pat turned
skinny so they got a penny.
so the had a shower
with power.

Unknown said...

Zarifa, remember your puntuation.
Write more than one stanzas

Unknown said...

Hamzah, does this all make sense>?
Is it one rhyme? or several?

Unknown said...

Youseef, you need more than one stanzas

eman said...

i went on kik
then my teacher gave me a tick
a fat man
jumped on a lamb

my mum said babam
i flyed to japan
then i was eating tim tam
and i bashed a lamb

i went to my doc
mr poc
the door loaced
i heared the bell going tic toc

Unknown said...

Saef, this poem is a bit silly....
You can write better than this.
I want to see another rhyme please

Unknown said...

locked not loaced
heard not heared

Good rhyme poem but Eman.
I like that you have more than one stanza

crystal said...

hi miss morris how did your holiday go

Unknown said...

My holidays are going well so far. Hope you are enjoying yours :)