Friday 21 June 2013

Poetry- Limerick

A limerick (noun)is a form of comic verse consisting of five anapaestic lines of which the first, second, and fifth have three metrical feet and rhyme together and the third and fourth have two metrical feet and rhyme together.

How to write your own Limerick:

Ideas for new limericks can come from almost anywhere. For example, your city, state, country, or name. If your name is Tim or Jim, you could write something like this:

A Clumsy Young Fellow Named Tim

  1. There once was a fellow named Tim (A)
  2. whose dad never taught him to swim. (A)
  3. He fell off a dock (B)
  4. and sunk like a rock. (B)
  5. And that was the end of him. (A)

OK, now that you know what the rhythm and rhyme patterns of a limerick are, you’re ready to write one. Here are five simple steps to writing a limerick:

An easy way to get started is to pick a boy’s or girl’s name that has one syllable (like Bill, Tim, Dick, Sue, or Jill).

There once was a fellow (or young girl) named ____(pick an easy name with one syllable). We’ll pick “Jill.” So the first line is:

“There once was a young girl named Jill.”
2.Now make a list of words that rhyme with the last word in the first line—in this case, Jill.
Your list of rhyming words might include: hill, drill, pill, skill, bill, will, and ill.
3.Now write the second line using one of the rhyming words. Here’s an example:

“Who freaked at the sight of a drill.”

(Notice that the last words in the first two lines rhyme and that both the first and second lines contain 3 DUMS or beats.)
4.Now think of an interesting story. What could happen to someone scared of a drill? Well, you might have an interesting story if Jill had to go to the dentist. Here’s what might happen in the third and fourth lines.

“She brushed every day.”

“So, her dentist would say,”

(Notice that “day” and “say,” the last words in the third and fourth lines, both rhyme. And notice there are 2 DUMS or beats in each line.)
5.Now you need to go back to the list of “A” rhyming words to find one that can end the poem. Here’s an example:

“Your teeth are quite perfect. No bill.”

Here’s the poem we just wrote:

There once was a young girl named Jill.
Who was scared by the sight of a drill.
She brushed every day
So her dentist would say,
“Your teeth are so perfect; no bill.”


Now try to write your own !!

Please comment below with a copy of the Limerick/s you have written :)


Saef said...

There was a young boy named mat
So he got fat by the hat
So he went to the doctor
He got skinny and became an actor
He so hated to be fatter

crystal said...

there once was a boy named bengi
who loved his huge dog bungi
bungi got sick
what a whick
oh that poor bungi bungi

eman said...

There oncewas a girl named amanda
who had a cute fat pet panda
she loved miss basset
because miss basset
look like a big huge fat panda

Hilal said...

There once was a boy called Bill
who sat with his friend on the hill
Bill trip over the rock
He lost his red sock
Bill went to a the doctor miss fill

Agnes said...

there once was a old boy named durse
there was a nurse who had a purse
then he got a cat
and sat on a mat
then he had a very bad curse

Omar said...

There once was a boy called omar
who liked to watch the Simpsons and Homer
he like to watch bart
go to the cookie e mart
the Simpsons made omar laugh so bad

hana said...

there once was a old boy named jake
he loves to eat a lot of cake
he became so fat
he sat on the mat
that poor boy that ate lots of cake

Zarifa said...

There once was a young boy named Jake
who loved eating vanilla cake
who always rides skakes
and then he found bates
went down to the lake, boy named Jake

Cihan said...

their once was a tall boy named bill.
He wanted to go to a hill.
Then sat on mat.
To catch a fat cat.
Then got a enormous strong drill.

Hamzah said...

There are boys who are homeless.
One left the group of homeless boys.
One look where he is.
He left the group too.
No one is left no homeless group.

zarifa said...

Once upon a time
I caught a little rhyme

I set it on the floor
but it ran right out the door

I chased it on my bicycle
but it melted to an icicle

I scooped it up in my hat
but it turned into a cat

I caught it by the tail
but it stretched into a whale

I followed it in a boat
but it changed into a goat

When I fed it tin and paper
it became a tall skyscraper

Then it grew into a kite
and flew far out of sight...

eman said...

The friendship we have is so rare to find,
We hate to see each other in a bind.
We have made each other laugh so hard we've cried,
We feel each other's pain if we are hurt inside.
We always can find the right words to say,
To help us get through any dreadful day.
We have told our darkest secrets, with feeling no shame,
We will tell each other the truth even if we are to blame.
Thinking of you not being here makes me feel so sad,
We will have to look back on our crazy memories to make us glad.
The Miles between us can't keep us apart,
Because we will keep each other close at heart.

zarifa said...

Once upon a time
I caught a little rhyme

I set it on the floor
but it ran right out the door

I chased it on my bicycle
but it melted to an icicle

I scooped it up in my hat
but it turned into a cat

I caught it by the tail
but it stretched into a whale

I followed it in a boat
but it changed into a goat

When I fed it tin and paper
it became a tall skyscraper

Then it grew into a kite
and flew far out of sight...

zarifa said...
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Amani said...

To Miss Morris:Rhyme poem:i once saw a doctor that said i have the flue i grould and grould until i yelled Achoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

when i got home i jumped into bed which made me have the flue! Achoo!!

And then i saw a mouse in my house wich maked me turn blue and then i yelled Achoo!!