Thursday 27 June 2013

Rhyme Poems

Poetry that rhymes relays a message through the music of the spoken word. Their power is in their ability to get us caught up in the music so that we will let down our defenses and consider the message that the poem has to offer. Sometimes poets use rhyme as a tool to show the humor in the message they are trying to convey. Traditional poems are written in rhyme to help to add a musical element to a reading. A rhyming poem brings out the joy that can be had in appreciating the music in words.

Source: Rhyme Poems - Poems which Rhyme

My Hamster Has a Skateboard

A Funny Hamster Poem for Kids

From the book The Tighty-Whitey Spider

My hamster has a skateboard.
When he rides it, though, he falls.
He takes off like a maniac
and crashes into walls.

He screams, "Geronimo!"
and then goes crashing down the stairs.
He's good at knocking tables down
and slamming into chairs.

He'll slalom through the living room
and then you'll hear a, "Splat!"
which means that he's collided with
my mother or the cat.

He plows right into cabinets,
and smashes into doors,
I think he's wrecked on every bed
and every chest of drawers.

It's fun to watch him ride
because you're sure to hear a smash.
He doesn't skate so well but, boy,
he sure knows how to crash.
--Kenn Nesbitt

I'm Staying Home From School Today

A Funny School Poem for Kids

From the book Revenge of the Lunch Ladies

I'm staying home from school today.
I'd rather be in bed
pretending that I have a pain
that's pounding in my head.

I'll say I have a stomach ache.
I'll claim I've got the flu.
I'll shiver like I'm cold
and hold my breath until I'm blue.

I'll fake a cough. I'll fake a sneeze.
I'll say my throat is sore.
If necessary I can throw
a tantrum on the floor.

I'm sure I'll get away with it.
Of that, there's little doubt.
But, even so, I really hope
my students don't find out.

--Kenn Nesbitt


Unknown said...

Omar said...

Unknown said...

By Kayla Coffey

I say yes and you say no
I say bye and you say hello
Butterfly's fly and penguins swim
Professionals lie and adventures go on whim
If you go up I go down
An emo to a happy ..........

Source: Rhyme Poems - Poems which Rhyme

hilal said...

Sarah M said...

My puppy punched me in the eye.
My rabbit whacked my ear.
My ferret gave a frightful cry
and roundhouse kicked my rear.

My lizard flipped me upside down.
My kitten kicked my head.
My hamster slammed me to the ground
and left me nearly dead.

So my advice? Avoid regrets;
no matter what you do,
don't ever let your family pets
take lessons in kung fu

Unknown said...

Hamzah said...

Saef said...

Xbox, Xbox,
you're the one for me.
I also love my 3DS
and my Nintendo Wii.

Miss Morris' writing class said...

- by Dave Crawley

"My doggy ate my homework.
He chewed it up," I said.
But when I offered my excuse
My teacher shook her head.

I saw this wasn't going well.
I didn't want to fail.
Before she had a chance to talk,
I added to the tale:

"Before he ate, he took my work
And tossed it in a pot.
He simmered it with succotash
Till it was piping hot.

"He scrambled up my science notes
With eggs and bacon strips,
Along with sauted spelling words
And baked potato chips.

"He then took my arithmetic
And had it gently fried.
He broiled both my book reports
With pickles on the side.

"He wore a doggy apron
As he cooked a notebook stew.
He barked when I objected.
There was nothing I could do."

"Did he wear a doggy chef hat?"
My teacher gave a scowl.
"He did," I said. "And taking it
Would only make him growl."

My teacher frowned, but then I said
As quickly as I could,
"He covered it with ketchup,
And he said it tasted good."

"A talking dog who likes to cook?"
My teacher had a fit.
She sent me to the office,
And that is where I sit.

I guess I made a big mistake
In telling her all that.
'Cause I dont have a doggy.
It was eaten by my cat.


iken said...

Cihan said...

I went to the doctor. He x-rayed my head.
He stared for a moment and here's what he said.
"It looks like you've got a banana in there,
an apple, an orange, a peach, and a pear.
I also see something that looks like a shoe,
a plate of spaghetti, some fake doggy doo,
an airplane, an arrow, a barrel, a chair,
a salmon, a camera, some old underwear,
a penny, a pickle, a pencil, a pen,
a hairy canary, a hammer, a hen,
a whistle, a thistle, a missile, a duck,
an icicle, bicycle, tricycle, truck.
With all of the junk that you have in your head
it's kind of amazing you got out of bed.
The good news, at least, is you shouldn't feel pain.
From what I can see here you don't have a brain."

Zarifa said...

Once upon a time
I caught a little rhyme

I set it on the floor
but it ran right out the door

I chased it on my bicycle
but it melted to an icicle

I scooped it up in my hat
but it turned into a cat

I caught it by the tail
but it stretched into a whale

I followed it in a boat
but it changed into a goat

When I fed it tin and paper
it became a tall skyscraper

Then it grew into a kite
and flew far out of sight...

Unknown said...

Remember to copy/paste the source (website link) from the poem.

Unknown said...

Remember to source the website you use.
So copy/paste the URL/ WWW. address below the poem

Unknown said...

Remember to copy/ paste the URL (website link) below your poem.

Unknown said...

remember to publish the URL/ Wesbite of the poem that yoou found
So copy/paste the website you found it on :)

crystal said...


lets go have a swim ,
the girl said , why ?
to see who wins

i went swimming and got sick
it was so quick ,
went like a pick .

people call me sicky ,
because it went so quick ,
i smile every time

Sarah M said...

I once saw a mouse that came into my house which made me bounce !
i had ache in my head so i jumped into bed
i woke up with the flu achou i sneezed which made me !

Sarah M said...

yep next time i remeber to do that

crystal said...

that's a good poem zarifa did you make it or find it