Writing- Procedural Text

A procedural text is used to explain
  • How to do something
  • How to get Somewhere
  • When a set of rules need to be understood.
A procedure is generally quite easy to write as long you know a little bit about your topic. These posters will walk students and teachers through the process of writing an effective procedural text by breaking it down into simple steps.

- See more at: http://edgalaxy.com/classroom-posters-charts/2012/9/6/free-classsroom-poster-writing-a-procedural-text.html#sthash.xqwH9ilT.dpuf

Following a pre test on the topic of 'How to brush your teeth', students completed a discovery chart based on 5 types of procedural text.

The Discovery chart allows students to identify the differences and similarities between procedural texts.

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