Monday 29 July 2013

First 5/20 writing prompts

You are to select one of the 5 fun writing prompts to write on in today's lesson. 
Remember to check your work once you have finished, underline words you may think are wrong in red and check these. 
Be sure you also check for L- O-N-G sentences and your punctuation.

  1. Finish this sentence: My superpower is…
  2. Use at least five color words to write a poem titled “A Rainbow of Feelings.”
  3. Describe the grossest lunch you’ve ever eaten.
  4. Who is your evil twin? Write about the mischievous deeds that he/she has done today.
  5. What one thing are you an expert on? Fill one page with information about _________ (your expert topic).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

By Hana

This is how it all starts…….
Hi I want to tell you about beautiful twin sister well that’s what people think. People don’t know the real her they think I’m the bad one not me and one day they might see that. I hope you believe everything I am going to tell you about her ok now listen up. She once pranked me and embarrassed me and once when I was sleeping she painted my face with water proof paint I had to go to school looking like a clown now that’s embarrassing. Once I was not feeling well and told my mum so my mum said you also don’t look very well. So I went back to bed, my sister snuck very quietly to my room with a bucket full with ice cold water and chucked it in my shirt. So I told my mum but my mum did not believe me, “your sister? That beautiful angel did that? Oh stop lying! Trying to put your beautiful sister in trouble, go to your room you are grounded and have to go to school!” I said “but I promise I am not lying!” “Go to your room before I make the punishment worse”, said mum. I said “But Mum!” “This is your final warning”, she said. So I said “ok I will but one-day you will see the real her and be sorry for me”, so my mum said “Whatever”